Printer 2

Convert to DICOM. Send to PACS and Film.

DICOM Printer 2 is a virtual printer and application that helps you send documents or images directly to PACS or print them to DICOM film. DP2 can combine a multitude of actions into powerful DICOM workflows.

Key features

Key features

How does it work?

Improve DICOM document storage with this revolutionary software

Hold and Re-Attempt

DP2 can wait and intermittently re-query until associated exam records and images arrive in PACS, so it’s perfect for attaching referral documents to future diagnostic test results.

Non-Intrusive and Reliable

DP2 embodies our unique approach to workflows by providing robust “fire and forget” DICOM functionality to applications and devices — no more waiting until things get stored.

Plug-In Ready

Flexible XML configuration allows interfacing with outside tools, as well as scripting languages like Ruby or Python.

DICOM Printer also sends to film

DICOM Printer also supports output to Dry Imagers, such as Drystar, DRYPIX or DRYPRO — or multiples of each!.

If you would like to try DP2 with your Dry Imager or PACS, then please download an evaluation copy and contact us to help you get started.

System requirements

Basic specifications

DICOM Network services

Reseller discounts available!

Download an evaluation of DICOM Printer 2 from our store.

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